Driver: Kurt Penner
Co-driver: Lu Penner
Car: 1965 Beaumont Sport Deluxe Convertible

Classic convertible ready to cross Canada for Targa challenge
Kurt Penner, co-owner of show-winning performance car builders and restorers Jellybean Autocrafters in Langley, British Columbia, believes cars are meant for driving not just riding in trailers. Kurt and his wife Lu will put that philosophy to the test when they drive their prized 1965 Beaumont Sport Deluxe Convertible from one coast to the other to run in Targa Newfoundland this September.
The Beaumont is a Canadian built car, one of approximately 400 cars built as SD convertibles. While it appears mostly stock, they did a number of upgrades like disc brakes, quicker ratio steering and suspension mods to improve drivability and handling.
This nearly 60-year-old classic is no trailer queen as it has already logged 290,000 km (180,000 miles) since they bought the car in 1994 and completed a cosmetic restoration. The Penners have enjoyed taking the car on tours and by the end of their Targa adventure will have added 18,000 km to the odometer. Along the way, people have been fascinated with the car and signing the hood, which will be mounted at the Jellybean shop.
“Our goal for being in the Targa is to experience the cross Canada trip in a classic convertible, participate in a really cool event, and beat on the car a bit, and then drive back home via the USA,” says Kurt. “This is one of our primary vehicles we use to demonstrate how reliable a classic car can be.”