Targa Organizing Committee

Joe Dowden

President & Incident Response

Robert Giannou

Event Founder / Community Relations

Mark Williams

Event Steward / FIA Rep

Matt Dowden

Nancy Dowden

Chief Competitor Relations Officer

May Soo

Hospitality and Targa Trust

Alita Whynot

Course Preparation and Setup

Margaret Morris

Command Centre Recorder

David Inkpen

Stage Operations Coordinator

Nick Wiltshire

Stage Operations

Chris Langdon

Course Design / Road Close

 Leah Dalton

 Clerk of the Course

Blair Riddle

Media and Public Relations

Corey Finkelstein

 Marketing and Communications

Pete MacDonald


Mike Hordjik


Cyril Drowns

Incident Response

David Lambert

Technical Advisor

Tom Pokorny

Social Media/IT

Wayne Lorenzen

Registrar/Central Area Coordinator